It’s 1943 and the Germans are realising there’s no easy victories! Behind German lines large numbers of Soviet Partisans are operating and the Germans are expecting the worst. The terrain is the ‘usual’ crossfire mix, with three, ‘one sector’ villages, several hills and fields, and many woods.
The Russians place the hidden supply dumps before they know the direction of the German advance. Once the direction is determined, (either randomly, or secretly predetermined by the umpire), then the Russian uses hidden deployment, leaving about12’’ for the German player to deploy in. The German then places all his forces, and commences the game with the initiative.
If an umpire is available, the Russian can move his forces ‘out of sight’ withouthaving to place them on the table.
The germans will ‘find’ the supply dumps if they enter the terrain feature they are hidden in. A squad has to spend one Russian initiative, unpinned, or unsuppressed in that feature to consider the dump destroyed.
Night falls at the end of the gaming session, about three hours of ‘real-time’ after Set-up, in our case.
So far the Partisans have not been eliminated in any of our games, though they are usually on their last legs by nightfall. If the German task is felt to be too hard, remove a few of the Russian support weapons.
German Players Briefing
Things are not going too well, the Untermensch are winning more than they used to,supplies are not what they were, the troops seem to have lost their enthusiasm for the‘1000 year Reich’.
On a more practical level, the Russians are getting bolder by the day. There has been a serious increase in Partisan activity lately, even very serious reprisals seem to have no effect. Rumours persist that regular Russian soldiers have also broken through the lines to join them. Another more serious rumour, backed up by intelligence, suggests that a Russian offensive is due to start any day now.
You know that they have established supply bases in your area. High command has issued you with the order to ‘search and destroy’ In answer to your request for heavy support, they have reluctantly allowed you a Tiger out of the local repair depot, though local supply problems mean it not as well equipped as it should be…….
Motorised Infantry Battalion:
1-BC (+2) & Truck
1-SMG squad
Heavy Company:
1-120mm Mortar (10 FM)
1-75mm IG (on table)
1st Company (Veteran morale):
1-CC (+2)
1-81mm Mortar (10 FM)
3x Rifle Platoons, each with:
1-PC (+1)
3-Rifle Squads
2nd Company:
1-CC (+2)
1-81mm Mortar (10 FM)
3x Rifle Platoons, each with:
1-PC (+1)
3-Rifle Squads
1-Tiger I tank (Veteran morale) – but with only 3 88mm shots; after that it can only use its MGs (treat as a standard HMG with 4D).
Morale: Regular unless otherwise noted.
You must find and destroy the enemy supply dumps.If a squad spends one ‘enemy’ iniative, unpinned and unsuppressed, with a dump,then the dump will be considered destroyed.
If you can destroy the Partisans also, then so much the better. You must withdraw at nightfall.
Good luck soldier.
Russian (Soviet) Players Briefing
The fascists are defeated!! Well, it is only a matter of time before mother Russia is free of the invader. It is 1943, you are a local Partisan commander. You have been giving the Germans a bloody nose lately, and have recently been reinforced by a detachment of regular army, who broke through the lines (they think they know everything!) The Fascists are still big on reprisals, but the peasants know their place,and have not given you up.
You have been building up supply dumps, and have been very active, in anticipation of the forthcoming Red Army offensive. However the troops approaching your headquarters now are most certainly not Russian….
Partisan HQ:
1-CC (+1)
Partisan Forces:
2-Rifle Platoons, each with:
1-PC (+1)
4-Rifle Squads
Attached Army Regulars:
2-Rifle Platoons, each with:
1-PC (+1)
3-Rifle Squads
1-81mm Mortar (10 FM)
1-50mm Mortar (10-FM)
2-captured Panzerfaust (to assign to Rifle Squads)
1-Minefield (concealed)
Morale: Regular.
You have 4 small supply dumps, which must be spread, around the area – not closer than 1200 yards (10 Base Widths) to each other. These dumps will be placed before you know the direction of the Fascists attack… The Fascists must not be allowed to take them.
If you could destroy the opposition, then the order of Lenin will be yours….
Good luck comrade!
Scenario by Trev.