Joe Kelly provides his take on the German Gebirgsjäger (Mountain Troops) organisation for the mid-war period. The TO&E had been reorganised from what was present early way, and in 1943 the Regiment was organised as follows:
Regimental HQ Group
1 Signal Platoon
1 Technical Company, with;
1 Signal Platoon
1 Engineer Platoon
1 Light Howitzer Platoon
1 Heavy Mountain Howitzer Battery
3 Jäger Battalions each with:
Battalion HQ
3 Rifle Companies
1 Machine Gun Company
1 Heavy Weapons Company
1 Anti-Tank Company
CROSSFIRE German Gebirgsjäger Battalion 1943
Morale: Veterans
Gebirgsjäger Battalion Headquarters
1-BC (+2)
1-SMG Squad
1-Heavy Company:
2-7.5 cm Infantry Howitzers/Mules*
1-Machine Gun Company:
2-120mm Mortars/Mules*
1-Anti-Tank Company:
1-Pak38 or Pak40 ATG/Truck
3-Gebirgsjäger Companies each with:
1-CC (+2)
Company Heavy Weapons:
1-81mm Mortar/Mules*
3-Rifle Platoons, each with:
1-PC (+2)
3-Rifle Squads
* Pack Mules can be used to haul weapons listed; add 2 points for each mule purchased.
Notes: These units were not created to utilize organic transport; therefore if using Trucks with this organization add 3 Trucks per Infantry Company (at a higher than normal cost of 10 points each, to reflect both unit doctrine and inaccessibility).